I listen to understand
Not to respond
Jelle Kooijman
Certified Mental Performance Consultant®
My goal is to help my clients better understand themselves and how they can train their minds.
Growing up in the Netherlands, I became interested in mental training through my own observations as an athlete. I witnessed over and over how athletes with less physical talent would beat more talented ones simply because their mind operated more effectively.
Since then, I have made it my objective to use science based techniques to unlock that in every athlete I work with
3 pillars of my work
Understand your mind
Accept yourself
Push to improve
Degrees & Certifications
Certified Mental Performance Consultant®
administered by the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) and Canadian Sport Psychology Association (CSPA) -
Bachelor's in Human Movement Science, VU University Amsterdam
European Master in Sport and Exercise Psychology, University of Thessaly, Greece & University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
NCCP Advanced Development Coach, Volleyball Canada
Level 3 Volleyball Coach, Dutch Volleyball Association